Saturday, June 2, 2012

Water Pump Impeller Replacement

Engine All The Way Up-Note Gasket

Rubber Gasket-Some Don't Have This

Lower Unit Removed In Jig For Work
Poor internet in Ontonagon so here are some more pics of the water pump work.  Impellers turned out to be in good shape, nice and flexible, not dried out or broken.  The work took about 8 hours for both engines.  Full removal, full re-installation.  No particular problems with the work but tips from Bob Krchnavek and an online video by Jamestown Distributors using a Yamaha 25 hp helped a lot.  Let me know if you have questions.  One note, with the engines all the way up and covers removed it may be possible to work from a stable dinghy and service the lower units without removing the engines even while in the water.


  1. Congratulations! I'm gratified you have discussed this particular essential information beside me. Many thanks! engine driven water pump


  2. This is a good news, it is usefull for all people in india. NICE BLOG !!
